Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dosakaya Pesara Pappu / Cucumber In Moongdal

In Telangana region of Andhra pradesh , people love to eat moong dal than toordal . In my house if my mom makes this dal we treat it as a feast day for us. When ever my mom makes this dal i used to fry tender green chillies in little oil and season it with salt , coriander powder and amchoor. This fried green chillies are our best combo for moongdal . Whenever u get bored with toordal then try this for a change.

Preparation :-

  • Take 2 small tea glasses (1 heaped electric rice cooker cup) of moongdal into a steel vessel or in a nonstick pan . Wash it and add tripe the amount of water i.e, 6 tea glasses. To this add 1/4 tspn turmeric powder and 1/2 tspn oil. Mix it and after 10 mins put this vessel directly on stove top. Put ur flame in medium heat. Dont put lid, coz when dal comes to boil it will overflow and u need to clean ur stove.

  • In mean time take 1 yellow cucumber , scrape its skin and cut into pieces . check for the taste , if it is lite bitter then remove seeds and use only the pieces .If it is too bitter then throw it away and take another one.

  • Chop 1 small onion and 5 small green chillies .

  • By the time u chop these vegetables dal will start to boil . So when u see the first boil then add chopped cucumber & onions. Why i told to add veggies after first boil is if u add like this by the time dal gets cooked ur veggies will also get cooked , if not if u add veggies later dal will get mashed up by the time veggies cook. We should not make dal to loose its original texture.

  • Stir it once in a while. If ever u think that water u added is not sufficient and dal is getting tight u can add water at any time of the whole process. The final consistency of dal should not be too thick or too thin. It shoild be medium consistency.

  • When they are half done add green chillies and add 2 chopped garlic pods . When it is 3/4th done add 1& 1/2 tspn salt (adjust).

  • Ok now comes the question how to know dal is cooked perfectly ? answer is ur cucumber pieces should turn transparent (initially they will be white) thats when u will know veggies are cooked , to know about dal take it in a spoon and press the dal grain with ur hand it should be easily get pressed and most important thing is dal should be in its original texture u should not mash it . This is the perfect cooking of moongdal with veggies. If u over cook dal and veggies then cucumber melts in the dal and even the dal gets mashed up .

  • Finally if it is done add few chopped coriander leaves , mix it and switch off stove.

  • Heat a tadka pan , add 2 tspns oil , add 2 dry red chillies , 1/2 tspn urad dal , 1/2 tspn each cumin and mustard seeds , add 2 crushed garlic , pinch of hing/asafoetida and few curry leaves . switchoff stove and pour this talimpu/tadka to ur dal . Give a good mix.

  • Enjoy this mild dal with rotis/rice .

  • I love to have this dal with rice and fried chillies .


  1. Pappu looks delicious Preethi. I usually make dosakaya pappu with either kandi pappu or erra kandi pappu (masoor dal). Moong dal is a good idea.

  2. Hi Preethi,

    Dosakaya Pappu looks very nice. Maku dosakaya dorakadu, actuallu saturday market lo giragirra tiriga kanipisthundi emo ani no luck, mi pappu kosam. Hunt cheyali 1 yr daka :-)


  3. Hi Preethi Dosakay pappu is so delicious. Nice idea awesome taste chaala chaala baaga nachindhi. Thnx for wonderful recipee.

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